
Type: Free + Paid

TMate is a web-based terminal sharing service that allows you to remotely access and control a terminal session on another computer. It is a fork of the popular terminal multiplexer tmux, with the addition of a remote connection feature.

TMate is useful for a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Pair programming: TMate makes it easy to collaborate on code with other developers, regardless of their location.
  • Remote administration: TMate can be used to remotely administer servers and other devices.
  • Technical support: TMate can be used to provide technical support to users remotely.
  • Screen sharing: TMate can be used to share your screen with others, even if they do not have the same operating system as you.

TMate is easy to use and does not require any installation on the remote computer. Simply create a new session on the TMate website and share the session URL with the other person. They can then open the URL in their web browser and connect to your terminal session.


  • Secure web-based terminal sharing
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Multiple terminal sessions
  • File sharing
  • Screen sharing
  • No installation required on the remote computer


  • Easy to use
  • Collaborative
  • Secure
  • Platform-independent

Use cases:

  • Pair programming
  • Remote administration
  • Technical support
  • Screen sharing


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